
Sunday, 12 June 2011

What do you need from me to play?

A few basic details are required for me to place you within the nine worlds. You may alter these before launch and you may deviate your intentions at any time, just remember that in-game opinions that you alter through your actions cannot be undone in a single action.

Your primary element. Also your thoughts about if you plan to delve into others. Tell me your ideas.
Your host race. This is the type of creatures you seek to employ for your dominion, not that race of your summoner.
Which realm you seek to inhabit. That tends to be related to your host race, but if you draft me a decent story, I will let you begin in a non-standard realm.
Your agenda. Tell me your intentions in the game. Do you wish to construct an empire? Conquer and control the mortal races? Find other summoners and form strong alliances?
Additional details. Do you have a name in mind? Perhaps a back-story for your summoner?

1 comment:

  1. Can we have a list of example races? Not that I can't make one up, but if the host race is more exciting than the summoned creatures that's less interesting?
