The Game
How do I keep up with the nine worlds?
What do you need from me to play?
Why should I play Nine Worlds?
What is my physical presence in the game?
How do I give my orders?
What resources are at my disposal?
What can my summoner do each turn?
The Species
What influence do we have over races?
What are the minor races in the nine worlds?
What are the major races in the nine worlds?
What is summoner development?
What is essence splintering?
Other creatures
The Spells
What creatures can I summon?
What spells can I cast?
What kind of summoner am I?
What are scrolls?
The Elements
What is Aether?
How do I control Air?
How do I control Water?
How do I control Earth?
How do I control Fire?
The Worlds
What are the nine worlds?
What is Niflheimr?
What is Helheimr?
What is Svartálfaheimr?
What is Jotunheimr?
What is Manheimr?
What is Goðheimr?
What is Vanaheimr?
What is Álfheimr?
What is Múspellsheimr?
What is the Well of Urðr?
What should I expect?
When do I begin?
Where do I go?
What do I want?
What can I do?
Who am I?
Ragnorok at bay