
Monday, 13 June 2011

What are the minor races in the nine worlds?

The minor races of the nine worlds are generally sub-species or cross-breeds between the major species, or victims of experiments - common of the gods.

Gnome - homeland Svartálfaheimr
Believed to be a sub-species of Dwarves, Gnomes are far less ambitious than their larger kin. They tend to bend knee to any race that chooses to dominate them,, but are generally peaceful in their intentions. Gnomes are likely the most technologically-attuned species.

Troll - homeland Jotunheimr
Trolls are likely a mutation of Jotunn or a cross-breed of man and giant. They are the most varied species and hard to define due to this. Trolls are naturally larger than men, but smaller than giants. They have little regard for technology and magic, but some tribes are known to embrace both.

Centaur - homeland Álfheimr
Stallions are an iconic creature in the nine worlds, beloved by the gods and thrive in Goðheimr. The close nature of the Ljósálfr and the gods somehow lead to a cross-pollination of their species and stallions. Perhaps some cruel joke or incidence best left from discussion. Centaurs are part-stallion, part elf, having the lower body of a horse and upper body of an elf, where the stallion's head would normally be.
Centaurs are a very spiritual race, embracing the most primal aspects of nature, but are also known to be aggressive and territorial.

Orc - homeland Manheimr
Orc is the name given to any feral creature of the land. Half-breed humans, deranged trolls and ghouls alike. Orcs tend to have no strength in society, but can quickly become a threat in greater numbers with their primal barbarism. Orcs have no use for tools and construction as everything they own is taken from other races and discarded when rendered useless.

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