
Wednesday, 22 June 2011

How do I give my orders?

For game launch, orders will be a fairly simple web-form. I have a preference for spreadsheets and webforms, so will slowly introduce improved options for submitting orders and details.

Players will be mailed a notification that a new turn has begun. They will receive a copy of their localised map, a summary of last turn and a sheet with all details to submit orders on.

You will need to register an account on the website in order to have access to the game.

This post will be updated as the forms develop.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Other creatures

The nine worlds are home to many species, some very rare. The list will likely grow over time as experiments and portals have their sway on the lands, but here is a selection of creature native to the world.

Traditionally, Lindworms were almost-Wyvern like beasts, lacking many of the limbs that modern dragons portray. In the Nine Worlds, there are many species of Lindworm, from the Nidhogg to the gold drakes. Rare, powerful and best to avoid unless you have something great of value to bargain with.

Giants are the more ancient of beings in the world, spanning the cosmos and timeline in many different forms. Some of the most ancient and power giants are the Hrímþurs (frost), Bergrisi (mountain) and Eldjötnar (fire) .
Elusive and secretive in nature, many water spirits dwell in the bodies of water across the worlds. The Nix (or Neck) are perhaps the most common water-dwelling being that boasts sentience.

No one knows the true origins of the Thurs, save for the gods themselves. Boasting super strength, the Thurs are perhaps the result of a coupling between high menn and jotunn.

Monday, 20 June 2011

What is Essence Splintering?

Summoners Coalesce. Coalescence is the absorption of pure essence into a being. This happens naturally and slowly, but can be increased through a focused action. Roughly 10% of the essence that is naturally gathered each turn by a summoner will passively coalesce into the summoner.

This power is displayed as a value - a whole number. The number simply represents a total power level of a creature or summoner and does not represent any single type of essence. This power is bound to the soul (Bound Power), but stored in the physical (Avatar for summoners). Should the body die, power is lost. Some beings, most notably summoners, are able to retain some of the energy.

Bound Power works both as a capacity and a resource.

As a capacity, a Bound Power level is often a requirement for spells and abilities, noted in the text of the relevant object.

As a resource, Bound Power can be spent by splitting off and empowering an object or spell. This process is called Essence Splintering.

Essence Splintering can be used to create or empower objects.

Avatars can be magically cloned to create an independent copy that will remain under complete control of the summoner. This Vardøger is permanently empowered with Bound Power and will be lost if destroyed, but can be re-absorbed by a summoner (and not just the creator!).

Vardøgers can use a summoner's essence to perform a minor list of actions and have access to roughly 20% of the parent summoner's knowledge. They can learn new spells, but this knowledge is not automatically transferred back to the parent - it must be taught or assumed by re-absorbing the Vardøger.

The raw elemental signature of a summoner can be brought into being in the form of a Tutelary. These are personal spirit guardians that are bound to an object - a person, or a place. Tutelaries have absolutely saturated alignments. As such they can never be tainted or influenced beyond their original binding - to protect their genius.

Tutelaries both project and assist their genius. This may be something as simple as shielding it from attack, or helping with a ritual.

Summoners may imbue an object, binding their soul to it. This object becomes a Phylactery and acts as a storage for Bound Power. The power within a Phylactery is never lost if a summoner's Avatar is destroyed and can further reduce the loss of Bound Power from an expiring Avatar. However, destroying a Phylactery will cause absolute loss of all Bound Power within it.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

What is my physical presence?

There are two aspects of physical presence in the game:
  • Your Avatar
  • Your host race and minions
Your Avatar is a physical representation of your summoner. As such, it exists on the map and can travel (through a variety of means). It can involve itself in battle and even perish. However, death does not destroy a summoner, just its Avatar.

Should a spell or effect have a range in its description, this is measured from the current location of the Avatar.

Your Host Race is the collected the creatures in the world that believe in you and serve you. Their population, settlements, structures and armies are under your control while you have influence over them.

Minions are generally supernatural creatures you have summoned or acquired. They never lose faith in you through any natural means.

Influence is a measure of belief, fear, love and opinion. There are many ways to influence creatures to serve you, which is tied to the nature of the species. A population's influence is shown as a percentage, with 100% being utterly faithful and -100% at the lowest representing hatred for you. The 0% middle ground is neutral.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

What are scrolls?

Scrolls are items that contain spells. They are, in most cases, lost once used.

A scroll allows the casting of a spell with zero mastery of the essences contained or required, so they can increase your library of spell options without having to exclusively study all your spells.

Scrolls can be found, donated (though players are likely to charge a fee) and created. Some summoners can produce scrolls to sell on, distribute to armies or store for later use (perhaps you want to unlearn a spell, or otherwise lose the knowledge).

Friday, 17 June 2011

What is summoner development?

There are two categories of development within Nine Worlds. The first and most important is the development of your summoner. The second is the physical development of your presence in the game.

A summoner can develop in a number of ways, but lets look at what they are in their entirety.

Summoners never truly die, but can be physically smitten, taking time to recover and re-emerge.

The difference between a summoner and a normal mortal is the power tied to the soul.

A mortal can die through physical expiration and its soul often lives on in a different realm. This transition may be permanent for most, but some souls can be placed back into the world by other powers, into a new form.

A summoner can shed its physical shell, as it exists beyond the physical plane. It retains control and sentience outside its body and can chose to return to mortal planes by choice. The physical representation of a summoner is referred to as an Avatar.

Summoner development is the growth and advancement of its soul. Essence can be tied to the soul to empower the being, but also split to create Vardøger, Tutelars and Phylactery. Yes, I just name dropped 3 new terms to explain later!

Summoners can learn new spells and attune with different types of essence beyond their primary. This is simply stated by a mastery level, starting at 0 and increasing indefinitely. Spells, however, are a little more limited. You can learn a total of 5 spells per level of essence mastery.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

How can a summoner discover new spells?

There is no definite list of spells. There is a default library of spells that can be discovered or otherwise acquired and this core list will grow over time, but this is just a foundation to whet the appetite.

Players are encouraged to seek new lore and invent new spells. Each turn a summoner may attempt to perform research. This is quite an open-ended action, but the more elaborate, ambitious ideas will be less successful or longer to achieve. Attempting incrementally more powerful and complex spells of a similar nature will meet greater success.

A good example:
Research: attempt to create a spell, called 'fireball'. This spell is primarily and solely a fire spell. It can be cast by the summoner to launch a flaming projectile at a target on the map - something small, such as an enemy structure or army, with a range of 3 hexes.

Spell: "Fireball"
Cost: 1F
Effect: Launches a ball of fire at an identified target in a hex up to 3 hexes away form summoner's position.

This example is quite detailed, but the more detail provided helps tune the intended spell and the result is spot-on.

Poor example:
Research: a new spell to attack enemies from my base

Spell: "Flinger"
Cost: 1
Effect: Throws a minion at target enemy army or structure from a summoner's keep. This minion will then attack the target.

In addition to manual research:
  • Minions of an appropriate nature can assist in acquiring new spells. Some can simply help research to improve the success rate. Others may be sent to spy or steal information.
  • Spell scrolls can be discovered in ruins or treasure caches.
  • Other summoners, gods and beings can attempt to teach you spells.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

What can my summoner do each turn?

Summoners may perform a number of defined tasks each turn.

Some happen naturally unless you wish to disabled them - passive effects. Passive effects happen in addition to all other tasks.
Others may be performed exclusively to other tasks - active orders. Only one active order can normally be performed each turn. Passive effects and additional actions take place in addition to an active order.
Less consuming tasks can be performed alongside other tasks- additional actions.

A mathematical approach to task limits can be calculated as follows:

You may perform no more than 2 task points in a turn.
Passive effects cost 0 task points.
Active orders cost 1.2 task points.
Additional tasks cost 0.4 task points.

Using these numbers, you can see that an active order and two additional tasks may be performed in a turn. Alternatively, up to 5 additional tasks may be performed.

If a rule references task points, it refers to this 2-point limit per turn. Some unique abilities may require a task point cost.

Passive effects:
  • Gather : absorbs essence from the local environment
Active orders:
  • Research : Attempt to discover a new spell.
  • Channel : Gather additional essence through non-harmful tapping on the environment.
  • Orate : Encourage your minions and host race.
  • Recruit : Bring creatures forth into your army.
  • Coalesce : Absorb gathered essence and/or summons into your being to increase your core power.
Additional actions
  • Cast : Attempt to cast a spell.
  • Move : Travel to a new part of the map.
  • Communication with other players.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

What influence do we have over races?

Small minds are easily influenced. Those with larger minds may require a little persuasion, but the power of a summoner has no difficulty with that.

The many species of the nine worlds populate the hospitable lands. Some construct towns to live in and harvest the land for food and resources towards their own survival and progression. Others choose to prey on those weaker and steal or abuse that which they can take. Generally, each species finds its own equilibrium with the environment and thrives in its own way.

Introducing a summoner into the situation quickly alters matters.

If you wish to assume control over a group of creatures, it is always easier to share a similar agenda. If you seek to create an empire, then most species will flock to your banner if you help their cause and provide award. Success in itself is often reward enough.

Conversely, if you seek to cruelly dominate lesser beings and bring war upon others, it is better to embrace a more bellicose (Orcs, Trolls) or easily-subdued (Gnomes, Man) species.

All creatures can be changed over time, both physically and psychologically. You can dominate and shape the minds of an entire culture if you so desire, but going 'against the grain' of their existing aspects can be a longer, harder project.

Monday, 13 June 2011

What are the minor races in the nine worlds?

The minor races of the nine worlds are generally sub-species or cross-breeds between the major species, or victims of experiments - common of the gods.

Gnome - homeland Svartálfaheimr
Believed to be a sub-species of Dwarves, Gnomes are far less ambitious than their larger kin. They tend to bend knee to any race that chooses to dominate them,, but are generally peaceful in their intentions. Gnomes are likely the most technologically-attuned species.

Troll - homeland Jotunheimr
Trolls are likely a mutation of Jotunn or a cross-breed of man and giant. They are the most varied species and hard to define due to this. Trolls are naturally larger than men, but smaller than giants. They have little regard for technology and magic, but some tribes are known to embrace both.

Centaur - homeland Álfheimr
Stallions are an iconic creature in the nine worlds, beloved by the gods and thrive in Goðheimr. The close nature of the Ljósálfr and the gods somehow lead to a cross-pollination of their species and stallions. Perhaps some cruel joke or incidence best left from discussion. Centaurs are part-stallion, part elf, having the lower body of a horse and upper body of an elf, where the stallion's head would normally be.
Centaurs are a very spiritual race, embracing the most primal aspects of nature, but are also known to be aggressive and territorial.

Orc - homeland Manheimr
Orc is the name given to any feral creature of the land. Half-breed humans, deranged trolls and ghouls alike. Orcs tend to have no strength in society, but can quickly become a threat in greater numbers with their primal barbarism. Orcs have no use for tools and construction as everything they own is taken from other races and discarded when rendered useless.

What are the major races in the nine worlds?

The following races all exist within large quantities, in the following realms:

Menn - homeland Manheimr.
Men are curious and innovative. They the worlds with little regard for their own peril and can inhabit all but the most inhospitable of lands. They have no penalties or restrictions, but are not particularly better at anything than other races.

High Menn - homeland Manheimr.
The first species of man were born with greater spans of life and are less volatile than their younger brethren. They serve more honourable causes and often take a back seat in world affairs. They are perhaps greater than man in every way, but lack their curiosity and innovation, restricting them to their birthing areas and preventing them from adapting to the changing world.

Ljósálfr - homeland Álfheimr
The light elves are the closest species to the gods. They are magical in nature and share a symbiotic life and culture with nature and the spirits. They defend the realms where magic is most prevalent, but are not a war-faring species. They neglect technology for greater commune with the supernatural.

Dvergar - homeland Svartálfaheimr
The Dwarves, also known as dark elves, were once like their ancient brethren - powerful magic users and peaceful. Their tribe instead explored the forbidden paths of technology and embraced the darker side of the elements. They dwell deep in the earth, constructing great machines of war and seek to dominate other species.

Jotunn - homeland Jotunheimr
The giants are the most ancient of races, although their current breed are far less powerful and aged than their ancestors. Jotunn remain the biggest and most physically enduring species across the nine worlds and excel at all forms of construction. They tend not to be a magic-tempered race, but the rare few born with the gift and interest in such things are most powerful.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

What do you need from me to play?

A few basic details are required for me to place you within the nine worlds. You may alter these before launch and you may deviate your intentions at any time, just remember that in-game opinions that you alter through your actions cannot be undone in a single action.

Your primary element. Also your thoughts about if you plan to delve into others. Tell me your ideas.
Your host race. This is the type of creatures you seek to employ for your dominion, not that race of your summoner.
Which realm you seek to inhabit. That tends to be related to your host race, but if you draft me a decent story, I will let you begin in a non-standard realm.
Your agenda. Tell me your intentions in the game. Do you wish to construct an empire? Conquer and control the mortal races? Find other summoners and form strong alliances?
Additional details. Do you have a name in mind? Perhaps a back-story for your summoner?

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Why should I play Nine Worlds?

If you like a strategy game that allows freedom of ideas, a fantasy theme and the ability to contribute to the rules and world environment, then you are the ideal person to join this game.

As designer, I am aiming to develop a 'living system'. The system responds and evolves to what players want to do, within as few core rules as possible. It will always retain a fundamental set of rules to ensure everything has a value - a worth, but this should be seen as a challenge to build within, rather than a restriction.

The major feature for this living system is the elemental system. A basic set of cards or recipes are provided for players to begin using and discovering. Beyond this, players can attempt to invent or find new spells according to what they want at the time. The next article will cover this in more detail.

As a player, you should feel encouraged to ask anything and suggest ideas. The game will be improving with every message I receive, good or bad!

Friday, 10 June 2011

How do I give my orders?

For game launch, orders will be a simple emailed set of instructions. I have a preference for spreadsheets and webforms, so will slowly introduce improved options for submitting orders and details.

Players will be mailed a notification that a new turn has begun. They will receive a copy of their localised map, a summary of last turn and a sheet with all details to submit orders on. Each turn has a deadline for order submission. If missed, a player's turn will be forfeit - all resources simply stored and all minions retaining previous orders.

All information will be collated here on the blog and in a rules document very soon.

If ever in doubt, email the GM: taerij at

Thursday, 9 June 2011

What resources are at my disposal?

Resources may grow and evolve over time as the rules expand, but the fundamental system involves the following:
  • Faith
  • Essence (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
  • Man power
Faith / Aether
Faith is the fifth element, Aether. Having influence over creatures in the world generates aether for you to manipulate. You can attempt to extract more through intimidating, impressing or hurting creatures.

Your summoner exists on the map in a hex, like any other object. If a summoner remains in an area for a duration of time, the presence will slowly affect the creatures in the same area and immediately adjacent, passively. Summoners can of course move around the map, but my investing in structures or casting spells in a localised area will increase influence.

Players may decide to designate an area as a homeland and develop it, opting to play defensive and maintain a location to retreat to when danger presents itself. Others may choose to wander the realms, gathering forces as it travels, leaving a trail of destruction or miracle.

Summoners draw essence from the lands around them. Essence naturally flows at a minor rate without harm to the environment. This gathering can be increased harmlessly through enchantments, habitation and structures. It may be be draw at a higher rate by damaging the land, through harsh spells or using man power to harvest the natural earth. This may not be an ideal choice for a defensive or benevolent summoner, but such careless actions may suit evil beings.

Man Power
Any creatures under your influence are considered minions and serve your cause. Man power is a value representative of the constructive capacity of your minions, local populace and any tools or labour animals at their disposal. A summoner can exist and thrive without man power, but it is a huge resource to take advantage of if you desire to build and develop structures and populations.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

What is the Well of Urðr?

The Well of Urðr (well of fates) is a well that lies below Yggdrasil. Men, Gods and even Summoners visit the well to ask questions of their fate, from the Norns.

Within the game, you may be given opportunity to visit the well, or work towards making your own journey. The well is a form of advisory from the GM that can be sought to help aid you in your agenda.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

What creatures can I summon?

Despite their differences, each element has a common group of creature types.

A familiar is a unique pet that a summoner often stores or channels power through. Summoners can only maintain a single familiar, but may evolve or recreate them.

Fire: Fox
Water: Crab
Air: Owl
Earth: Lynx

The most basic worker creatures are summoned to attend a summer in his menial tasks. Servants can often be recruited from the local environment, but also summoned.

Fire: Imp
Water: Undine
Air: Faerie
Earth: Gnome

Every dominion needs an army. Many soldiers will be recruited from the native creatures of a land, but others can be summoned.

Fire: Orc
Water: Naga
Air: Gargoyle
Earth: Satyr

In addition to a familiar, a summoner can summon a single mount. Mounts act as both transport and protectors should a summoner be engaged in combat.

Fire: Manticore
Water: Drake
Air: Gryphon
Earth: Unicorn

Monday, 6 June 2011

What spells can I cast?

Spell lists are open-ended. As summoners research and experiment, new combinations and thus recipes will be created. New spells are added through accident and study.

A core set of spells exists for all elements, all combinations of elements and at every level of power and knowledge.

Each spell is strictly categories by its effects:

Summon spells conjure an item, usually a creature. Creatures tend to be permanent objects, so will remain in the world until destroyed or undone. They can be given tasks.

Objects without life can be enchanted with essence to gain one or more powers. All artefact spells first require an item to be enchanted. Some items can be summoned, others created by creatures or in many cases, simply discovered.

Creatures, items, lands can all be affected by spells. Enchantments are spells that remain in effect until dispelled or undone. An enchantment may enhance or curse an item.

All other spells fade once its effect has taken place. General spells are referred to as sorcery.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

What kind of summoner am I?

As a summoner, you have a great many of choices. Your first is to select a primary element:

Fire, Earth, Air, Water.

Each element has different aspects that affect the game. They are stronger at certain times of year(seasons), better gathered from certain types of land and related to certain types of creatures. Most importantly, the elements have very distinct characteristics when dealing with spells.

Your primary path will always be your strongest element, but you can choose to study others. The more you study alternative elements, the greater your variation of spells and combinations, but the less powerful your prime will be due to lack of focus.

Each element has an associated summoner class:

Earth summoners are Druids
Air summoners are Mages
Fire summoners and Warlocks
Water summoners and Shamans

These classes are further sub-categorised by their paths of study.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

What is Aether?

AETHER is an element of faith and spirit.

Aether is noted by O in costs.

Aether has no season, nor an elemental being, but is sometimes associated with the Sphinx.

Aether is generated by living beings, by believing in you. Belief comes through both faith and fear.

Friday, 3 June 2011

How do I control Air?

Air is the most populous element. It is primarily wet and secondarily hot.

Air is noted by A in costs. Alternatively, the hellenic:

Air's season is Spring and Autumn and is represented by the Sylph.

Air essence can be gathered from any land. It surrounds the world.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

How do I control Water?

Water is the most manipulable element. It is primarily cold and secondarily wet.

Water is noted by W in costs. Alternatively, the hellenic:

Water's season is Winter and is represented by the Serpent.

Water essence can be gathered from any body of water, such as lakes and oceans.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

How do I control Earth?

Earth is the most static element. It is primarily dry and secondarily cold.

Earth is noted by E in costs. Alternatively, the hellenic:

Earth's season is Winter and is represented by the Wolf.

Earth essence can be gathered from Plains and Forest. It thrives with the natural balance of life.

Monday, 30 May 2011

How do I control Fire?

FIRE is the most destructive element. It is primarily hot and secondarily dry.

Fire is noted by F in costs. Alternatively, the hellenic:

Fire’s season is Summer and is represented by the Salamander.

Fire essence can be gathered from Mountains, especially volcanic. It dwells within the heat of the land, most often associated with the svartálfar.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

What is Niflheimr?

Niflheimr is the world of Nifl, an inhospitable land of arctic 'mist' and ice.

Primary element: Water
Secondary elements: Air, Water
Primary creature: Ice elementals

Saturday, 28 May 2011

What is Helheimr?

Helheimr is the world of Hel, the realm of the dead.

Primary element: Earth
Secondary elements: Fire
Primary creature: Shade

Friday, 27 May 2011

What is Svartálfaheimr?

Svartálfaheimr is the realm of black elves, or more accurately, Dwarves.

Primary element: Fire
Secondary elements: Earth
Primary creature: Dwarves

Thursday, 26 May 2011

What is Jotunheimr?

Jotunheimr is the realm of the Jotun (or giants) and trolls.

Primary element: Earth
Secondary elements: Water, Fire
Primary creature: Giants

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

What is Manheimr?

Manheimr is the world of man, also known as Midgard. This is the largest and most populous world.

Primary element: Earth
Secondary elements: Fire, Water
Primary creature: Man

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

What is Goðheimr?

Goðheimr is the realm of the gods and includes Asgard, which is home to the primary group of gods known as the Æsir. The Æsir are associated with stronger, primal aspects. Asgard also contains the council of gods, populated by both the Asgard and Vanir.

Primary element: Air
Secondary elements: Fire, Water
Primary creature: Stallion

Monday, 23 May 2011

What is Vanaheimr?

Vanaheimr is the realm of the Vanir, a group of gods associated with wisdom, fertility and portent.

Primary element: Air
Secondary elements: Water, Earth
Primary creature: Boar

Sunday, 22 May 2011

What is Álfheimr?

Álfheimr is the tranquil realm of the light elves, or 'Ljósálfr'.

Primary element: Air
Secondary elements: Water
Primary creature: Elves

Only the purest of heart are permitted peaceful entry to Álfheimr, for the Elves are protectors of the worlds spirits and tend to the well-being of nature itself. While the Elves rarely make war upon other races or worlds, they will defend their own with a ferocity and ancient strength that belies their calm nature.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

What is Múspellsheimr?

Múspellsheimr is the realm of fire.

Primary element: Fire
Secondary elements: None
Primary creature: Fire elementals

Few venture in Múspellsheimr as it is an elemental plane covered in burning fire and of little worth beyond the primordial essence of fire itself. Even summoners with an affinity for fire rarely enter this dangerous realm for fear of being consumed by its primal destruction.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

What are the nine worlds?

True to mythology, the nine worlds of Nine Worlds are:
  • Múspellsheimr : World of Muspell (fire, in the south)
  • Álfheimr: World of the Ljósálfr ('light elf')
  • Vanaheimr: World of the Vanir
  • Goðheimr: World of the Æsir which contains Ásgarðr (Asgard)
  • Manheimr: World of the Madr ('human')
  • Jotunheimr: World of the Jotunn ('giant')
  • Svartálfaheimr: World of the Svartálfar ('dark elves', aka Dvergar 'dwarves')
  • Helheimr: World of Hel (the realm of the dead)
  • Niflheimr: World of Nifl (arctic 'mist' and ice, in the north)
Each world has a dominant creature and element, with lesser presences of others.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

What should I expect?

Within the game you will initially only control yourself, a summoner. You should set out to both influence the physical realm around you (the map) and begin practising your control over the elements.

The map is a hex-based representation of each plane (or world). Each plane's map is 2d - flat, but there are multiple maps, each representing a layer or different plane. Each map rarely connects directly, but has connection points when a portal allows travel between. Each hex on the map represents an area of terrain, marked visually by the most dominant scenery - mountains, river, forest and so on. If you have domination over an area, it will be marked by your icon and contributes to your power (creatures and essence).

The elements have a very free-form system of development. Everything is broken down to the basic costs of each element, but the recipes for creation (or destruction) must be invented or discovered.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

When do I begin?

The game is open to player submissions. To join the Nine Worlds, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have Internet access and an email account.
  • Be able to email your turn orders up to twice a month.
  • Be able and willing to join in the inter-player discussions (role-play and feedback).
  • Have a great imagination and ideally an interest in Norse mythology and/or steampunk.
What I am asking of potential players is to describe what sort of character they would like to be, which sphere (element) they feel closest to and a rough idea of their intentions within the game.

Email me with any questions or submissions : taerij at

Monday, 16 May 2011

Where do I go?

The nine worlds are free to explore, but the paths between them are hard to find. Your home plane is openly accessible, but travel between worlds can be bother erratic and dangers as they require use of a portal.

Portals vary. Some are permanent conjurations maintained by a structure or artefact. They remain open while the host structure is in tact. Others are invoked and shift or close at will. Some may occur randomly and translocate passengers to different locations. Fear not though, each type of portal is easily recognised and used with warning - you won't unwittingly enter a portal without knowing its aspect.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

What do I want?

As an open-ended game, the path you chose to walk is entirely up to you. The game will respond and evolve according to your actions. As will the players involved in interacting with you and the game. Every choice you make will have repercussion, for better or for worse.

By taking part in the Nine Worlds, you are expected to bring your imagination with you and let it loose. Help us craft the world with your ideas and ambitions.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

What can I do?

You are a summoner. By nature and by name. You have the power to call upon your minions and to muster the essence you control.

Minions can be created, but existing creatures of the world may be influenced by your behaviour - be it benevolent or evil. Like attracts like. Your nature in the game will very much define the forces at your command.

As you gather essence from the lands under your dominion, the conjured energies can be crafted into new objects, creatures and spells. Each formula must be found either through research, discovery or accident.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Who am I?

In the Nine Worlds game, you don the role of a supernatural being seeking to bend the environment and its inhabitants to your will. Your powers are largely elemental - combining and manipulating the basic elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. With such control over this 'primordial alchemy', you can change the very nature of the world around you.

Much of the world is innocent and passive to your meddling, but other beings lurk amongst the planes with their own agendas.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Ragnorok at bay

In the future, the nine worlds of Norse legend are approaching another Ragnorok. While these Armageddons repeatedly destroy and subsequently renew the worlds, many thousands of years have passed since the great battle was fought. Fantastic technologies have been created by the varied races of the worlds, but not always for good. Dangerous power is now wielded by the Svartálfar, whom seek to control the mortal planes in an eternal decadence, rather than reign destruction upon them and consequently themselves like ages past.