First, the cards act in order of speed. The fastest card performs its first attack. This is calculated by comparing its attack value to the targeted defending card's defence value. Not all cards are able to hurt others, but by simply being involved in the fight, the enemy has to exert itself to overcome you, thus exhausting itself.
- If the attack value is greater, a point of damage is applied.
- If the values are the same, the slow combatant is at advantage. This means if you are attacking a card that has yet to perform, it is not hit. If you are attacking a card that has already performed, it is hit.
- If the attack value is lower, no damage is applied.
In all cases, a point of fatigue is added to the attacker and defender, unless the defender has 0 defence value.
This process is repeated for each card in order of speed until all cards have acted once. Any cards with abilities, such as multi-attack, can attack again afterwards, within the same cycle. Defenders do not gain fatigue points for additional attacks made against them.
If any card has a total fatigue plus damage count higher than its health, then it is exhausted, turned on its side and removed from combat.
This concludes a cycle of combat. If both sides wish to remain in combat and there's at least 1 card active on both sides, morale is checked.
Morale simply decides if both sides are willing to continue fighting - irrespective of the player's decision.
To check morale, count the number of exhausts on each side. The player with more exhausts is subject to the check. Total the total difference between exhausts, add 1 to the total if the player~(s) have humility, or deduct 1 if they player(s) have pride. If this total exceeds the number of cards remaining in the fight on that player's side, they must withdraw.
What is one side wants to withdraw and the other doesnt, before Morale is considered?