
Friday, 13 January 2012

Game Concept for Nine Worlds

Before I begin defining what I have planned for Nine Worlds, there's a little preface to how I got here.

After further research and an attempt to normalise the sheer quantity of ideas I've been trying to squeeze into 9W, I am going to split the project into halves. I don't intend to develop both simultaneously, but would like to pick up latter half in the future to pursue those ideas.

I've been toying with 2 game types as a hybrid, but feel the overall composition of it all will be too unwieldy. Games require a certain simplicity to make them accessible, repayable and versatile. I admit, I struggle to keep it simple!

So that I'm not talking in vagueness throughout, here's a synopsis of the '2 games'.

There are two major ideas I wanted to incorporate into the game, which I now think clash.

The first is a dynamic map. A hex map built from tiles. The map would grow by placing of tiles, first at game creation and then as players explore and events happen. This should create a unique map to play on every game and invites a very strategic board game with physical locations, positions and movement. This would be boosted by counters, props, miniatures et al.

The second is a 'living card game' style system. Several types of card exist, covering topics such as magic, items, creatures, events, characters. Players draw from each deck at game start and continually through out the game as they gain awards, discover items, recruit troops and so on.

The problem here is two distinct game platforms to play on. A card system that covers all manner of items and a physical map with its own props. I think this builds too much complexity, and inevitably cost, to put into a single game.

My heart is set on the Nine Worlds theme foremost and I have chosen the card game over the hex-map game for now. It feels like a burden has been lifted by dropping that idea!

So, how will nine worlds work? That's my next topic.

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