
Monday, 30 May 2011

How do I control Fire?

FIRE is the most destructive element. It is primarily hot and secondarily dry.

Fire is noted by F in costs. Alternatively, the hellenic:

Fire’s season is Summer and is represented by the Salamander.

Fire essence can be gathered from Mountains, especially volcanic. It dwells within the heat of the land, most often associated with the svartálfar.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

What is Niflheimr?

Niflheimr is the world of Nifl, an inhospitable land of arctic 'mist' and ice.

Primary element: Water
Secondary elements: Air, Water
Primary creature: Ice elementals

Saturday, 28 May 2011

What is Helheimr?

Helheimr is the world of Hel, the realm of the dead.

Primary element: Earth
Secondary elements: Fire
Primary creature: Shade

Friday, 27 May 2011

What is Svartálfaheimr?

Svartálfaheimr is the realm of black elves, or more accurately, Dwarves.

Primary element: Fire
Secondary elements: Earth
Primary creature: Dwarves

Thursday, 26 May 2011

What is Jotunheimr?

Jotunheimr is the realm of the Jotun (or giants) and trolls.

Primary element: Earth
Secondary elements: Water, Fire
Primary creature: Giants

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

What is Manheimr?

Manheimr is the world of man, also known as Midgard. This is the largest and most populous world.

Primary element: Earth
Secondary elements: Fire, Water
Primary creature: Man

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

What is Goðheimr?

Goðheimr is the realm of the gods and includes Asgard, which is home to the primary group of gods known as the Æsir. The Æsir are associated with stronger, primal aspects. Asgard also contains the council of gods, populated by both the Asgard and Vanir.

Primary element: Air
Secondary elements: Fire, Water
Primary creature: Stallion

Monday, 23 May 2011

What is Vanaheimr?

Vanaheimr is the realm of the Vanir, a group of gods associated with wisdom, fertility and portent.

Primary element: Air
Secondary elements: Water, Earth
Primary creature: Boar

Sunday, 22 May 2011

What is Álfheimr?

Álfheimr is the tranquil realm of the light elves, or 'Ljósálfr'.

Primary element: Air
Secondary elements: Water
Primary creature: Elves

Only the purest of heart are permitted peaceful entry to Álfheimr, for the Elves are protectors of the worlds spirits and tend to the well-being of nature itself. While the Elves rarely make war upon other races or worlds, they will defend their own with a ferocity and ancient strength that belies their calm nature.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

What is Múspellsheimr?

Múspellsheimr is the realm of fire.

Primary element: Fire
Secondary elements: None
Primary creature: Fire elementals

Few venture in Múspellsheimr as it is an elemental plane covered in burning fire and of little worth beyond the primordial essence of fire itself. Even summoners with an affinity for fire rarely enter this dangerous realm for fear of being consumed by its primal destruction.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

What are the nine worlds?

True to mythology, the nine worlds of Nine Worlds are:
  • Múspellsheimr : World of Muspell (fire, in the south)
  • Álfheimr: World of the Ljósálfr ('light elf')
  • Vanaheimr: World of the Vanir
  • Goðheimr: World of the Æsir which contains Ásgarðr (Asgard)
  • Manheimr: World of the Madr ('human')
  • Jotunheimr: World of the Jotunn ('giant')
  • Svartálfaheimr: World of the Svartálfar ('dark elves', aka Dvergar 'dwarves')
  • Helheimr: World of Hel (the realm of the dead)
  • Niflheimr: World of Nifl (arctic 'mist' and ice, in the north)
Each world has a dominant creature and element, with lesser presences of others.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

What should I expect?

Within the game you will initially only control yourself, a summoner. You should set out to both influence the physical realm around you (the map) and begin practising your control over the elements.

The map is a hex-based representation of each plane (or world). Each plane's map is 2d - flat, but there are multiple maps, each representing a layer or different plane. Each map rarely connects directly, but has connection points when a portal allows travel between. Each hex on the map represents an area of terrain, marked visually by the most dominant scenery - mountains, river, forest and so on. If you have domination over an area, it will be marked by your icon and contributes to your power (creatures and essence).

The elements have a very free-form system of development. Everything is broken down to the basic costs of each element, but the recipes for creation (or destruction) must be invented or discovered.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

When do I begin?

The game is open to player submissions. To join the Nine Worlds, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have Internet access and an email account.
  • Be able to email your turn orders up to twice a month.
  • Be able and willing to join in the inter-player discussions (role-play and feedback).
  • Have a great imagination and ideally an interest in Norse mythology and/or steampunk.
What I am asking of potential players is to describe what sort of character they would like to be, which sphere (element) they feel closest to and a rough idea of their intentions within the game.

Email me with any questions or submissions : taerij at

Monday, 16 May 2011

Where do I go?

The nine worlds are free to explore, but the paths between them are hard to find. Your home plane is openly accessible, but travel between worlds can be bother erratic and dangers as they require use of a portal.

Portals vary. Some are permanent conjurations maintained by a structure or artefact. They remain open while the host structure is in tact. Others are invoked and shift or close at will. Some may occur randomly and translocate passengers to different locations. Fear not though, each type of portal is easily recognised and used with warning - you won't unwittingly enter a portal without knowing its aspect.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

What do I want?

As an open-ended game, the path you chose to walk is entirely up to you. The game will respond and evolve according to your actions. As will the players involved in interacting with you and the game. Every choice you make will have repercussion, for better or for worse.

By taking part in the Nine Worlds, you are expected to bring your imagination with you and let it loose. Help us craft the world with your ideas and ambitions.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

What can I do?

You are a summoner. By nature and by name. You have the power to call upon your minions and to muster the essence you control.

Minions can be created, but existing creatures of the world may be influenced by your behaviour - be it benevolent or evil. Like attracts like. Your nature in the game will very much define the forces at your command.

As you gather essence from the lands under your dominion, the conjured energies can be crafted into new objects, creatures and spells. Each formula must be found either through research, discovery or accident.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Who am I?

In the Nine Worlds game, you don the role of a supernatural being seeking to bend the environment and its inhabitants to your will. Your powers are largely elemental - combining and manipulating the basic elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. With such control over this 'primordial alchemy', you can change the very nature of the world around you.

Much of the world is innocent and passive to your meddling, but other beings lurk amongst the planes with their own agendas.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Ragnorok at bay

In the future, the nine worlds of Norse legend are approaching another Ragnorok. While these Armageddons repeatedly destroy and subsequently renew the worlds, many thousands of years have passed since the great battle was fought. Fantastic technologies have been created by the varied races of the worlds, but not always for good. Dangerous power is now wielded by the Svartálfar, whom seek to control the mortal planes in an eternal decadence, rather than reign destruction upon them and consequently themselves like ages past.